Saturday, March 26, 2011

President Bush takes an insult like a man

There may have been some people that didn’t like President Bush while he was in office, but there is something to be said for a guy that who could make money talking about the current President and refuses to.

Former President Bush recently talked with C-SPAN about his lack of interest in embarking on the money trail to talk about politics, the current President or presidential candidates, as a fundraising option.  This was news to many because it means that Bush is leaving a lot of money out there.  There are many opportunities available for him to give his political opinion, and to return the favor of those who have spoken negatively about his presidential term. 

By Bush choosing to turn the other cheek and not go out on the trail speaking out and being paid to share his thoughts he is just showing once again that he is a class act. He is above the chatter and criticizing, which is a good thing. This conservative former President is serving once again that he has more class than most of those in Washington.

In addition, Bush stated that he believes it is not in the best interests of the nation to have a former President criticizing the present one. This illustrates yet again that the e country's interests are his chief concern.

President Obama may take the same route when he leaves political office, or he may be eager to be paid for giving his opinion. It still remains to be seen! But if the next president is a Republican, Obama will probably be more likely to seek out the media and speak publicly about his successor.

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